Inkle- / Tabby-woven trim for two tunics
When Sweetie needs more outfits for a five-day storytelling event, it’s not enough that I just sew some tunics and pants. I had to weave some trim. I took elaborate notes on HOW LONG everything took so that I can collect “weaving math” for future commissions or projects.

Since these are intended to be narrow bands, I'm thinking one in "sunrise/false dawn" and one in "night/late twilight" colors. The brick red will be the weft and a narrow selvedge on both. And both have the same Dark/Light extreme values. #crafty #textiles #weaving #treats

Making some design sketches based on some trim I wove several years ago. Made one change after first sketch. Since time is an issue, gonna go with these. #FastDesign #textiles #crafty #weaving #treats

close-up -- I found one threading mistake (it went under and should have gone over and with a heddle). You can just see the knot in the top right where I clipped and fixed the offending thread. Ready to weave! (4.5 hours work so far) #crafty #textiles #weaving #treats

At the very end of my weaving: You can see that the threads have gotten as close to the split as possible.

Done: 114" finished trim. 4.5 hours all setup tasks (design, warp, heddles, get ready), 4.5 hours weave time. (2 hrs yesterday, 7hrs over 9hrs today). #crafty #textiles #weaving #treats

CLOSE UP: Second trim has been fully warped. 2hrs 15min -- 45 min faster this time. #crafty #textiles #weaving #treats

Finished work: 16 hours total (design, warp, weave, 2nd warp, 2nd weave). Just over 3 yards for each finished band (~14.2 inches per hour, total effort). #crafty #weaving #textiles #inkleweaving #tabbyweave #handwoven #StringMath

First sleeve has hand woven trim hand sewn in place #handmade #handwoven #handsewn #costuming #textiles #crafty

Silly pose was to ensure both sleeves with trim would show in the photo. One tunic is DONE! #crafty #textiles #handwoven #handsewn #costuming

Tomorrow, this tunic will be finished and then this trim will be applied. #crafty #textiles #handsewn #handwoven #costuming

Next time, I'll use this site to check my pattern before weaving. I can see some of the things I would have changed, compared to my hand-drawn version.